Monday, May 11, 2009

xc and the lime pound cake semi-fail

I've been on a baking spree lately. First the scones, then the brownies, and now a stab at pound cakes.
It doesn't look as yummy as the scones but it didn't look utterly disgusting either. So I guess I should be happy about it. But I'm not.

We didn't have lemons and I was too laze to go out and buy 1 single lemon so I used lime instead. Then the top part got burnt a bit. Then it didn't come out light and fluffy as I expected it to be. Well, we don't have a hand mixer so I creamed the butter by hand using a wooden spoon and a wire whisk and I think that's the reason why it's not as light as I wanted it to be. And I'm still getting used to the oven settings and which rack should I put stuff on and such. G said I put the rack too high that's why it got burnt. But if I put in 1 spot lower then the bottom will be the one that'll burn. I found the lime taste weird but G said it was still good.

But my customer was one happy camper anyway. He got a cake without doing anything, although he did ask for scones at the beginning but I wanted to try out this recipe instead. Next time maybe I'll just add vanilla extract instead of lemon zest and juice. And I'll definitely get me a hand mixer soon!

So there, I'll chalk this one up as a semi-fail. G finished everything last night so it's not a major fail and I wasn't super happy about the outcome so neither is it a major success.

I also promised G that I'll be making something special every weekend. Ha! As if. But I'll try my best anyway. And for next week, I feel like making Tiramisu. We'll see what happens.

For now, I have to think of what to do during the week...and that is...w-o-r-k. Ugh!

peace & luc,

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