obviously colds don't cure themselves overnight. it's only my 2nd and half day of day being sick and i'm sick of it. (insert forced laugh here). i was asking g what meds i could buy for it and he said that with medicines, colds are cured in 1 week and without medicines, they get cured in 7 days. so really, there's nothing i can do but drink, drink, and drink more fluids.
last night i wanted to have a shot of brandy before going to bed to clear up the sinuses but decided against it after being almost hammered with just one glass of g's mojito. note to self: rum does not clear up the nasal passage...
but it does make you sleep better despite the stuffy nose...
coz you can't feel anything anymore after your 3rd glass.
but it will make you feel worse in the morning. ugh. and not because you have colds.
but it's finally friday. horay! we'll finally have time to do real stuff.
like sleep until 12 noon.

peace, luv, and lots of warm hugs,
xcness, actually G is right. meds or not, if the illness is caused by a virus, it will just pass away. but do get plenty of rest and fluids! feel better!
by the way, LOVE that xc keyboard profile pic ha!
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