Tuesday, October 28, 2008

xc and the breakfast of champions

g goes to work earlier than i do so naturally he sets the alarm waaayyy earlier than i would. i used to just let him go on with his morning rituals while i stay half awake in the warm cozy bed. i figured that since we have such a small flat, getting up will just make matters worse..like we'd be doing a crazy morning dance trying to get out of each other's way.

but then i read Mai's blog and discovered that she prepares her husband's breakfast AND lunch. riiiggghhhhtttt.....she's the perfect (*ahem*) wife and i'm the...wife.

then g sends me an article about how breakfast is very important and how it should be healthy, etc (read: not dried fish and rice) that i started to wonder...is he trying to tell me something?

so fine, i said, i'll Try with a capital T to make him breakfast before he leaves for work. I was able to do it once..and he was late for work since he already wakes up quite late plus he had to finish the breakfast i prepared for him. ha! that would teach him!

but it's true that since we had breakfast, i really had more energy for the entire day. maybe what people say about it is really true!

note to self:
buy more breakfast food and less dessert next time.

peace and luv,

1 comment:

Mai da Paypay said...

hooray for wifeys who prepare food for their hubbies! haha! :-P

it's true though, eating breakfast makes you feel full the entire day